[Physics] If we use yellow light on a blue paper, what will the paper look like


If we use yellow light on a blue paper, what will the paper look like?

Basically I have two different conflicting ideas in my head:

  • If the light has only one specific wavelength then only this specific wavelength can be reflected at all. So if I use light of any color on the object, the object will always appear in that specific color.

  • But on the other hand a colored object has that color because it absorbs light of any other wavelength and only reflects the part which gives it the respective color. This means that if I use any light on an object that has a different color, the object must appear black.

Probably neither of those are true and it's different? For example, I found an interesting image here which shows that red light lets a green paprika appear red. Can one explain what is happening exactly?

Best Answer

If by "yellow light", you mean a light with wavelength between 560 and 590 nm, and by "blue paper", you mean paper that reflects light only if its wavelength is between 450 and 490 nm, then yes, if the only illumination for a piece of blue paper is yellow light, it will appear black. But "yellow light" is generally light that has a mixture of wavelengths such that the average wavelength is between 560 and 590 nm, not light such that every photon has a wavelength in that range. That's why red and green light together looks yellow: when our eyes detect both red and green light, our brain perceives it as yellow.

Similarly, most "blue" paper does not reflect just blue light. Rather, it reflects light most strongly in the "blue" range of wavelengths, and/or reflects light whose wavelengths average out to be in that range.

So when mostly-yellow-but-also-has-a-little-bit-of-other-wavelengths light hits mostly-reflects-blue-but-also-weakly-reflects-other-colors paper, some light will be reflected. What color it looks like will depend on the exact composition of the light and the exact reflective properties of the paper. In the example you gave, the pepper reflects a significant amount of red light, but still looks darker than the red parts of the playing card. In green light, the pepper is bright green, while the red parts of the playing card are almost black. This implies that the pepper reflects green light more than it reflects red light, but still reflects some red light, while the red parts of the playing card reflects very little green light. This makes sense: the pepper is a natural object, while the playing card has an artificial dye specifically designed to be a particular color.