[Physics] If we feel it’s hotter when humidity increases, then why do we feel it’s colder when inside water


When the humidity in the air is high, we sweat more and feel it's hotter than when the humidity is lower.

So why don't we feel it's hotter when we go inside water, where the water content is much higher than in the air, than when we're not inside the water?
Is it just because it's liquid and not a gas?

Best Answer

You feel cold when heat is flowing from you to the surroundings, your body tries to burn more energy to keep up your temperature, so you shiver.

Water conducts heat much more effectively than air (more than 100x as well) so even with water at the same temperature as air you will lose a lot more heat and feel cold.

When your body is too hot it losses energy most efficiently by sweating. It releases water which evaporates, the energy needed for the water to go from liquid to gas comes from your skin which is then cooled.

In humid conditions it is harder for the water to evaporate (because there is already a lot of gaseous water in the air) so you can't cool as efficiently and so feel hotter.