[Physics] If two or more different electric heaters have the same power consumption are they providing the same amount of heat to the room

energypowertemperaturethermal conductivitythermodynamics

If I have a number of different electric heaters. Say one has coils which heat up, one is a fan heater and another is an oil heater in which the oil is heated by electric coils internally (They are all electrically powered and plugged into the mains). If these heaters all show specs of 2000W, and assuming that they all genuinely use 2000W of power then are they providing the same amount of heat to the room?

Of course when you turn on the heaters initially the appliances themselves must warm up, but once they have all reached a stable temperature are they providing the same amount of heat?

The law of conservation of energy implies "Yes".
Unless I am overlooking something.

Best Answer

and assuming that they all genuinely use 2000W of power

This is the crucial assumption. If both have real power 2000 W, this means 2000 W of heat introduced into the wires and then (by assumption of stationarity of temperature of the heater) this heat leaves the wires and goes into the heater environment.

But equal heat introduced per unit time does not mean equal effect on average temperature or equal efficiency of operation. Bigger heater with greater exchange surface will operate on lower temperatures and will heat up the air more evenly quicker (because of energy losses from the room). This can be more efficient if we want to achieve same temperature everywhere as fast as possible, or less efficient, if we want to heat up only our frozen legs.

Also in practice, even if two heaters have 2000 W written on them, this does not mean that actual consumption is 2000 W all the time. For example, as the heat producing wires get hotter, their ohmic resistance increases, so the effective value of current should decrease and real power should decrease as well. The only way to be sure of the consumption of the heater is to measure it with a wattmeter.