[Physics] If there was no gravity, in what direction would an object float


On Earth, an object less dense than a fluid (e.g. water) would float up to the top surface of the liquid usually against gravity. If there was no gravity, would it still do the same?

Rephrased question: In what direction would an object float in a fluid of uniform density if the object has a lesser density than the fluid?

Best Answer

No gravity means your liquid would form a sphere, unless you put it in a box.

It would float in whatever direction the forces created by differential heating, or any other turbulence inducing force, sends it in.

Ultimately, if you read about Einstein's work on Brownian Motion, in absolutely calm fluid, it's direction would be decided by the random motions of the molecules of the denser liquid.

enter image description here

This is a simulation of the Brownian motion of a big particle (dust particle) that collides with a large set of smaller particles (molecules of a gas) which move with different velocities in different random directions.


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