[Physics] If mass is added to a toy car does it affect its speed making it faster


If mass is added to a toy car (29.7g) and dropped down a wooden ramp would it affect its speed making it go faster? I know friction comes in to play to, so if you could give me an answer or an equation to show this that would be.

Best Answer

Yes, adding mass to a toy car should at least in principle make it accelerate down a ramp faster.

The total force on the car is in the "forward" direction, with magnitude $$F=m g \sin\theta\ -\ m g C_{rr}\cos\theta\ - \tfrac12 \rho v^2 C_D A\ ,$$ where $m$ is the car's mass, $g$ is the acceleration due to gravity at Earth's surface, $\theta$ is the angle from horizontal of the ramp, $C_{rr}$ is the rolling resistance coefficient, $\rho$ is the density of air, $v$ is the speed of the car, $C_D$ is the drag coefficient of the car, and $A$ is the car's cross section area. $C_{rr}$ depends on a lot of things rather than being a constant, but what's important here is that for rigid plastic tires, $C_{rr}$ should decrease with increasing $m$. $C_D$ is independent of $m$.

The first term in the above equation is the forward component of the force purely due to gravity, the second term accounts for rolling resistance, and the third term accounts for drag.

If you equate that equation with $F=ma$ and divide both sides by $m$, you get that the car's acceleration in the forward direction is

$$a=g \sin\theta\ -\ g C_{rr}\cos\theta\ - \frac{ \rho v^2 C_D A}{2 m}\ .$$

According to that equation, if $m$ increases, so does $a$.