[Physics] If gravity is a pseudoforce in general relativity, then why is a graviton necessary

equivalence-principlegeneral-relativitygravityquantum-gravityreference frames

As far as I’m aware, gravity in general relativity arises from the curvature of spacetime and is equivalent to an accelerated reference frame. Objects accelerating in a gravitational field are in fact inertial and are moving through geodesics in spacetime.

So it could be said then that it is not really a force, but a pseudoforce much like the Coriolis effect. If so, why is it necessary to quantise gravity with a gauge boson, the graviton? And why is it necessary to unify it with the other forces?

Best Answer

While it's common to describe gravity as a fictitious force we should be cautious about the use of the adjective fictitious as this is a technical term meaning the gravitational force is not fundamental but is the result of an underlying property. The force itself most certainly exists as anyone who has been sat on by an elephant can attest.

There is a sense in which all forces are fictitious since they are all the emergent long range behaviour of quantum fields, so gravity is not unique in this respect. For more on this see Can all fundamental forces be fictitious forces?

Anyhow, the object responsible for the gravitational force is a tensor field called the metric, and when we quantise gravity we are quantising the metric not the force. The graviton then emerges as the excitation of the quantum field that describes the metric. As with other quantum fields we can have real gravitons that are the building blocks of gravitational waves and virtual gravitons used in scattering calculations.

Finally, you ask why it's necessary to quantise gravity, and this turns out to be a complicated question and one that ignites much debate about what it means to quantise gravity. However the question has already been thoroughly discussed in Is the quantization of gravity necessary for a quantum theory of gravity? While it's not directly related I can also recommend A list of inconveniences between quantum mechanics and (general) relativity? as interesting reading.

The principle reason that we want to quantise gravity is because Einstein's equation relates the curvature to the matter/energy distribution and the matter/energy is quantised. Einstein's equation tells us:

$$ \mathbf G = 8 \pi \mathbf T $$

where $\mathbf G$ is the Einstein tensor that describes the spacetime curvature while $\mathbf T$ is the stress-energy tensor that describes the matter/energy distribution. The problem is that $\mathbf T$ could describe matter that is in a superposition of states or an entangled state, and that implies that the curvature must also be in a superposition of states or entangled. And this is only possible if the spacetime curvature is described by a quantum theory, or some theory whose low energy limit is quantum mechanics.