[Physics] If electric field is conservative then line integral along closed path is zero, then why is potential not zero


Here in the first image it is said $\displaystyle \int_a ^b E\cdot \mathrm dl\,$ is $0 $:

enter image description here

Here in the second image it looks like $\displaystyle \int_a ^b E\cdot \mathrm dl\,$ is not $0$:

enter image description here

If field is conservative which it is here, then closed line integral is 0 which is the case in the first image, but the potential is also a line integral so why is it not 0

Please help me understand this!

Best Answer

The integral around any closed path is zero. But $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{b}$ are not the same point: the path is not closed, so the integral does not have to be zero.

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