[Physics] If a truck collides with a car, can the truck experience a larger force


I am confused, here is a question:

A large truck and a mini bus both have same velocity V and they collide and stop. The collision lasts for 1 second.

A) Which one of the two will experience larger force of impact?

I am confused about the answer which is coming that truck will experience larger force. But Newton's Third Law of motion says that 'to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'. So the force experienced by the truck should be same to that experienced by the car, but negative, isn't it?

Please help.

Best Answer

They both experience the same force because of the impact, due to the Newton's third law, like you say.

I think the question is not clear enough. If you assume there is no friction between the trucks and the ground, then you can use momentum considerations.

I know this shouldn't be an answer, but I'm new and I can't post a comment, yet.