Mathematics – How to Determine If a Theory of Everything Is Necessarily Unique?


There is a lot of interesting debate over whether a "theory of everything" (ToE) is allowed to exist in the mathematical sense, see Does Gödel preclude a workable ToE?, Final Theory in Physics: a mathematical existence of proof? and Arguments Against a Theory of Everything. Since as far as I can tell this is still an open question, let's assume for now that formulating a ToE is possible. I'm curious about what can be said about the uniqueness of such a theory.

Now the hard part, where I'm pretty sure I'm about to back myself into a logical corner. To clarify what I mean by unique: physical theories are formulated mathematically. It is possible to test whether two mathematical formalisms are equivalent (right? see bullet point 3 below). If so, it is possible to test the mathematical equivalence of various theories. From the Bayesian point of view, any theory which predicts a set of observables is equally valid, but the degree of belief in a given theory is modulated by observations of the observables and their associated errors. So now consider the set of all possible formulations of theories predicting the set of all observables – within this set live subsets of mathematically equivalent formulations. The number of these subsets is the number of unique ToEs. Now the question becomes how many subsets are there?


  • It can be proven that if a ToE exists, it is necessarily unique ($1$ subset).
  • It can be proven that if a ToE exists, it is necessarily not unique ($>1$ subset).
  • It can be proven that it is impossible to say anything about the uniqueness of a ToE, should it exist (it is impossible to test mathematical equivalence of theories).
  • We don't know if we can say anything about the uniqueness of a ToE, should it exist.

So this is really asking about the ensemble of closed mathematical systems (physical theories) of an arbitrary (infinite?) number of variables (observables). This is honestly a pure math question, but here strongly physically motivated.

I suspect the answer is probably the fourth bullet, but surely there has been some research on the topic? Hopefully someone familiar with the ToE literature can shed some light on the question.

Best Answer

I will expand my comment above into an answer:

If you search for a TOE that is a mathematical theory, it has to be at least a logic theory, i.e. you need to define the symbols and statements, and the inference rules to write new (true) sentences from the axioms. Obviously you would need to add mathematical structures by means of additional axioms, symbols, etc. to obtain a sufficient predictive power to answer physically relevant questions.

Then, given two theories, you have the following logical definition of equivalence: let $A$ and $B$ be two theories. Then $A$ is equivalent to $B$ if: for every statement $a$ of both $A$ and $B$, $a$ is provable in $A$ $\Leftrightarrow$ $a$ is provable in $B$.

Obviously you may be able to write statements in $A$ that are not in $B$ or vice-versa, if the objects and symbols of $A$ and $B$ are not the same. But let's suppose (for simplicity) that the symbols of $A$ and $B$ coincide, as the rules of inference, and they only differ for the objects (in the sense that $A$ may contain more objects than $B$ or vice versa) and axioms.

In this context, ZFC and Bernays-Godel set theories are equivalent, when considering statements about sets, even if the axioms are different and the Bernays-Godel theory defines classes as mathematical objects, while ZFC does not.

Let's start to talk about physics, and TOE, following the discussion in the comments. It has been said that two TOEs must differ only in non-physical statements, since they have to be TOEs after all, and thus explain every physical observation in the same way. I agree, and from now on let's consider only theories in which the physical statements are true.

Let $A$ be a TOE. Let $a$ be an axiom that is independent of the axioms of $A$ (that means, roughly speaking, that there are statements undecidable in $A$, that are decidable in $A+a$, but all statements true in $A$ are still true in $A+a$). First of all, such an $a$ exists by Godel's theorem, as there is always an undecidable statement, given a logical theory. Also, $a$ is unphysical, since $A$ is a TOE. Finally, $A$ and $A+a$ are inequivalent (in the sense above), and are TOEs.

One example is, in my opinion, the generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH): without entering into details, it has been shown with the theory of forcing that it is independent of the axioms of ZFC set theory. Thus $ZFC$, $ZFC+GCH$ and $ZFC+\overline{GCH}$ (ZFC plus the negation of GCH) are all inequivalent theories that contain $ZFC$. It is very likely that a TOE must contain set theory, e.g. ZFC. Let $A$ be such a TOE. Also, it is very likely that $GCH$ is not a physically relevant axiom (at least it is not for our present knowledge). Then $A$ and $A+GCH$ would be inequivalent TOEs, then a TOE is not unique.

I have studied a bit of logic just for fun, so I may be wrong...If someone thinks so and can correct me is welcome ;-)