[Physics] If a downed power line hits your car, why should you shuffle away from it


A bit of fun! My colleague showed me a video at work about what to do if a downed power line lands on your car.


In the video, the narrator says this about how to get out of the car:

Remove all loose items or clothing and jump clear of the vehicle. Avoid
touching the car and the ground at the same time. Land with both feet together, keep your feet as close together as possible, and shuffle away from the car.

My question is, what is the point of landing on both feet, keeping them close together, and shuffling away? How would this be more safe than simply sprinting away from the vehicle?


Best Answer

A downed power line can create a voltage gradient across the ground. If your two feet touch areas that have a voltage difference, a current can flow up one leg and down the other, electrocuting you. By keeping your feet close together, you are minimizing the potential for this to happen, as nearby points on the ground will in general exhibit a lower voltage difference than distant points.

The better option is to just stay in the car, though, so long as there's no imminent danger from fire or explosion. Evacuating a car with a live wire on it is dangerous; it's better to stay in the car until the line has been de-energized, if at all possible.

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