Acoustics – Identifying Center of Rarefaction and Compression in a Graph


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We know that for a sound wave traveling to the right, the centre of compression occurs at $s = 0$ and $\frac{ds}{dt} > 0$ (take right direction as positve i.e. traveling to the right too!). And centre of rarefaction occurs in $s = 0$ and $\frac{ds}{dt} < 0$. I have seen some explanation of this using simulation, I wonder what is the theoretical/mathematical proof for this?

Best Answer

s=0 and ds/dt > 0 means that the displacement has been increasing, implying compression since it would normally require a force.

s=0 and ds/dt < 0 means that the displacement has been decreasing, implying decompression since it would normally require reducing the force.

The center of compression/decompression s = 0 is the displacement that would occur with no applied force.

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