[Physics] I touched a tree that was touching an electric fence and got an electric shock. How is this possible if wood is an insulator


I touched a tree that was touching an electric fence and got an electric shock. How was this possible if wood is an insulator?

The tree wasn't wet either, and it was a pretty strong shock too.

Best Answer

Trees are not as good an insulator as you might think. This source suggests a typical conductivity of living tree sap is 0.01 S/m with a relative permittivity of 80. So not an insulator, though a poor conductor. Typical advice when using electric fencing is that you do not use wooden posts! Presumably because wet wood is also conductive to some extent.

In any case, all that is required is that the tree acquired an electric potential and that you were more resistive than the path between the fence and you through the tree. It's the "volts that jolt". The current flow through the tree and you, would have been very small.

I would expect that the jolt would be maximised if you touched the tree near where it touched the fence or at least at the same height as where it touched the fence - thus minimising the resistance along the path to you.

EDIT: Oven dried wood has a conductivity of $\sim 10^{-15}$ S/m (i.e. 13 orders of magnitude lower), so it would be fair enough to call that an insulator for most practical purposes.