[Physics] I don’t understand equation for electric field of infinite charged sheet


I'm confused as to how this expression $$E= \frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0}$$ can't be used to calculate the electric field of a perfectly flat part of a surface even farther from just above the surface. If you just extend the same cylindrical Gaussian surface used for this proof, wouldn't the field stay the same no matter how far out you go? The charge enclosed on the surface of the conductor wouldn't change and neither would the area of the circular end of the cylinder sticking out of the conductor since it sticks out of a flat surface. Obviously this simply cannot be so as the field should grow weaker with distance from its charged source, so I wonder what about this proof I'm misunderstanding. On a related note, what about the derivation for $$E= \frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}$$ for an infinitely charged plane takes into account its infinite size, as it seems to me that it could just as easily be used to calculate the electric field for a finite sheet of charge?

Best Answer

The difference between the finite and the infinite sheet, is that with the infinite sheet, we can assume by symmetry that $\vec{E}$ is everywhere perpendicular to the surface, which makes taking the surface integral for Gauss's law trivial.

When the sheet is finite, we can no longer make that assumption, and would need to consider edge effects. Indeed as you move further away from the finite plane, the smaller and smaller it will look, eventually if you were far enough away, you could imagine it would look almost like a point charge, and you'd expect a $\frac{\vec{r}}{r^3}$ type of field in the far limit. Intuitively, with a finite sheet, you could imagine looking at the size of the sheet to say how far you are away from the sheet. But with the infinite sheet, no matter how far you are away from it, you only ever see an infinite sheet. So the distance away from the sheet has no meaning, hence the field must be constant at all distances.