[Physics] Hydrogen Bomb Mass to Energy


How much mass is converted to energy when a hydrogen bomb explodes? I remember an eighth grade chemistry class where, by going through the nuclear processes, my teacher estimated that roughly 2g of matter was converted in a fission bomb.This is a surprisingly small amount of mass! I have never seen the process involved in a fusion device.

Best Answer

$50\text{ Mt}$ TNT means that the energy is equivalent to $50 \, 000 \, 000\text{ t}$ of TNT, and $1\text{ t}$ of TNT is equivalent to $4184\text{ MJ}$.

So Tsar Bomba released $50 \, 000 \, 000 \times 4184 = 209 \, 200 \, 000 \, 000 \text{ MJ} = 2\cdot10^{11}\text{ MJ}$.

Now, given that $E=mc^2$, we have $m=\frac{2\cdot10^{17}}{299 \, 792 \, 458^2}=2.3\text{ kg}$ as said above.

For comparison, Little Boy did not convert more than $1\text{ g}$.

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