[Physics] Huygens’ principle and why can’t we see atoms with light


First of all, I'd like to discuss Huygen's principle. In order to explain waves diffraction, it says that every point in a wave front behaves as a source, so the next wave front is the sum of all secondary waves produced by these points. Therefore, when you make a straight wave pass through a little aperture, it spreads out. But the problem is that this spreading or diffraction depends on the size of the aperture compared to the wavelenght. Although I'm sure you've seen this many times, I'll put a video:


Here you can see that when the aperture is large enough, there is almost no diffraction. But doesn't this contradicts Huygens' principle? I mean, it should spread out anyway. If every point in the aperture is a wave source, the oscilation should reach any point beyond the aperture. It is as though diffraction only happened in small holes, not in large ones nor in corners. Where am I wrong? I've read explanations for this effect with light, but they use Quantum Electrodynamics, and water waves are not quantum, right?

The second doubt I have is about seeing with light. How does light hitting a surface reflects its shape, so that it cannot reflect the shape of sufficiently small objects, such as atoms?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, I think you are speaking about what people commonly say is "Huygen's Principle", "In order to explain waves diffraction, it says that every point in a wave front behaves as a source, so the next wave front is the sum of all secondary waves produced by these points.", but this is not actually what Huygen's principle says.

Huygen's principle has to do with the propagation of light, which is electromagnetic waves, governed by Maxwell's equations. It can be shown that upon decoupling Maxwell's equations, one obtains spacetime wave equations of the form:

$u_{,t,t} = c^2 \left(u_{x,x} + u_{y,y} + u_{z,z}\right)$, (commas indicate partial derivatives) subject to the boundary conditions: $u(\mathbf{x},0) = u(\mathbf{x}), \quad u_{,t}(\mathbf{x},0) = \psi(\mathbf{x})$.

The solution is given by D'Alembert's formula, but in the context of space-time wave equations, is known as Kirchhoff's formula or the Poisson formula, but it is the generalization of the Huygen-Fresnel equation, and is given by:

$$u(\mathbf{x},t_{0}) = \frac{1}{4\pi c^2 t_{0}} \iint_{S} \psi(\mathbf{x})dS + \left[\frac{1}{4 \pi c^2 t_{0}} \iint_{S} \phi(\mathbf{x}) dS\right]_{,t_{0}}.$$

You see from the solution that the point of Huygen's principle is to ensure causality of wave propagation. That is, as can be seen from the solution that $u(\mathbf{x}_{0},t_{0})$ depends on the boundary conditions on the spherical surface $S = \{ |\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_{0}| = c t_{0} \}$, but not on the values inside the sphere! That is, the boundary conditions influence the solution only on the spherical surface $S$ of the light cone that is produced from this point.

This is precisely Huygen's principle: Any solution of the spacetime wave equation travels at exactly the speed of light $c$. So, as you can see Huygen's principle is independent of any specific slit/aperture configuration, it will apply in any situation where you can set up such boundary conditions for the spacetime wave equation!