[Physics] How/ Why is spring compression maximum when the two blocks have equal velocities


Consider a block of mass $m_1$ attached to a spring. It's advancing
with a slower velocity $v_1$ as compared to that of an approaching
block of mass $m_2$'s velocity $v_2$ on the friction-less surface. Obviously, the two blocks
will collide.

Now, I have read at several places that the spring compression will be maximum when the two blocks have equal velocities. But I couldn't understand that. It's somewhat counter-intuitive to me because first block is accelerating and the one behind is decelerating so how does that eventually lead to maximum compression in the spring?

Research effort: I asked a friend on the chat room but his explanation was unsatisfactory. I searched for youtube experiments on this (they help immensely in developing concepts intuitively) but couldn't find any. My books too explain this theoretically without any diagrams.

Please supplement your answer with diagrams/ mathematical proof to explain this concept (and other related concepts like maximum elongation ,if possible).

Best Answer

Let $m_1,m_2$ have velocities $v_1,v_2$, where $v_1<v_2$ and $m_1$ is initially ahead of $m_2$.

$m_2$ has a spring attached to its front (in direction of motion).

Once $m_2$ catches up with $m_1$, the spring will be compressed between the two masses, and will (in an effort to return to its initial state) exert a force on both $m_1$ and $m_2$.

This force will cause $m_1$ to accelerate, and $m_2$ to decelerate.

Prior to the closest approach of the two masses, $v_1<v_2$. We know this because (given that the masses are going to get closer), $m_2$ must still be approaching $m_1$.

Following the closest approach of the two masses, $v_1>v_2$. We know this because, given that the masses are no longer getting closer together, and they are still accelerating and decelerating, respectively, $m_2$ must be receding from $m_1$.

Given that we know what is happening on either side of the closest approach of the masses, and we know that the velocities of the masses must change without instantaneous shift (cannot skip past the point at which their velocities are equal), the only logical conclusion is that the velocities of the two masses are equal at the closest approach.

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