[Physics] How to solve circuit problems with resistors in parallel then in series


A problem I am doing shows a circuit with one battery and one resistor. Then a switch is closed and two additional resistors are added in paralell and another in series as shown in the picture. (all $R = 2 \Omega$, $\Delta V=12$ V).

The book says that the current through the original resistor will NOT change despite change in the total resistance.

After diagraming it out i see that but i struggle to find the current in the other parts of the circuit

I would find total equivaent resistance.
Then using the voltage of the battery find the current of the original resistor.

Then for the other branch on the right, how do i handle the voltage drop becsuse i also have the resistor in series next downstream?


Additionally current starts from the big line/top and goes right! so up and right in my textbook.

Best Answer


If you figure out the equivalent resistance of $R_V$, $R_{VI}$ and $R_{VII}$, you can figure out the current through $R_{VII}$.

If you know the current through $R_{VII}$, you can figure out the voltage across $R_{VII}$.

If you know the voltage across $R_{VII}$, you can figure out the voltage across $R_V$ and $R_{VI}$.

If you know the voltage across $R_V$ and $R_{VI}$, calculating the current through each of those is easy.

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