[Physics] How to see planets thousands of light years away but don’t know if there are more planets in the solar system

astronomyexoplanetsplanetssolar system

That is basically my question, it arose when I saw an article (here is the scientific paper, which should be free to read) saying two Caltech scientists might have found the 9th planet of the solar system.

Best Answer

The problem with finding a new planet in our solar system is not that it is too faint, but knowing where to look in a big, big sky. This putative planet 9 is likely to be in the range 20-28th magnitude (unless it is a primordial, planet-mass black hole, in which case it will be invisible except for any accretion luminosity). This is faint (especially at the faint end), but certainly not out of reach of today's big telescopes. I understand that various parts of the sky are currently being scoured, looking for a faint object with a (very) large parallax.

The problem is that whilst it is comparatively easy to search large areas of the sky quite quickly if you are interested in bright objects; to do deep searches you are normally limited (by time) to small areas. And you have to repeat your observations to find an object moving with respect to the background stars.

If planet 9 had been a gas giant, it would have been self-luminous, due to gravitational contraction, and would have been picked up by infrared surveys like 2MASS and WISE. But the suggestion is that it is rocky or icy, is only observable in reflected light from the Sun and is hence a very faint object at visible wavelengths.

With exoplanets around other stars that can be hundreds or thousands of light years away, you know where to look - basically close to the star. The solid angle that you have to search is comparatively small. That being said, there are other problems to overcome, mostly the extreme contrast in brightness between planet and star, which means that the only directly imaged exoplanets (or low-mass companions) to other stars are much more massive (by at least an order of magnitude) than the possible new planet 9. Indeed if these objects existed in our solar system we would have easily found them already in infrared all-sky surveys such as 2MASS and WISE.

The smaller planets that have been found around other stars are not found by directly imaging them. They are found indirectly by transiting their parent star or through the doppler shift caused by their gravitational pull on their parent star. For an object in our solar system that is far away from the Sun then the first of these techniques simply isn't possible - planet 9 will never transit in front of the Sun from our point of view. The second technique is also infeasible because (a) the amplitude of the motion induced in the Sun would be too small to detect and (b) the periodic signal one would be looking for would have a period of about 20,000 years! All of the indirectly detected exoplanets have periods of about 15 years or less (basically similar to the length of time we have been monitoring them).

It is also worth emphasising, that if we observed our solar system, even from a nearby star, it is unlikely we would pick up planet 9, but we would find Jupiter, Saturn and possibly one of the inner planets if it happened to transit. In other words, our census of exoplanets around other stars is by no means complete. See If Alpha Centauri A's solar system exactly mirrored our own, what would we be able to detect? for more details.