[Physics] How to sail downwind faster than the wind


Recently a group set a record for sailing a wind-powered land vehicle directly down wind, and a speed faster than wind speed. Wikipedia has a page talking about it, but it doesn't explain exactly how it works.

I can imagine some configurations, but I don't get how a system could be set up to push forward with a tailwind (when the cart is moving slower than the wind) and push forward with a head wind (when the cart is moving faster than the wind).

Could someone help explain how this is possible?

Best Answer

It does sound counterintuitive. The actual device used gears attached to a wind turbine. Even though the turbine was moving faster than the wind, the thrust (IIRC) was such as to slow down the wind field. So energy was being extracted from the wind field to turn wheels via the right gear ratio. In any case energy is removed from the wind field so no laws of physics were violated. Traveling at angles to the wind is easier to visualize. In fact wind turbine blades travel at right angles to the wind at multiples of the wind speed. But that is different. This was a really clever device, and unless shown how it works (I don't remember the details) most physicists think "no way". I suspect it might have to be pushed to faster than wind speed to get it going. Without wheels attached to the solid ground it wouldn't work, its basically increasing the wind field coupling to the solid earth.

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