[Physics] How to remember the Electromagnetic Spectrum


This may sound off-topic but I am in a severe need of remembering the following shown Electromagnetic Spectrum along with the frequencies and wavelengths. So far I have looked at several mnemonics but they only help me to remember the order which I now know but I could find no way to remember it along with frequencies and wavelengths.

enter image description here

I am an Intermediate (class 12) student and in my exams I will be given a frequency(or wavelength) and I will have to tell to what part of the EM spectrum does it belong. I can manage the applications but not the frequency and wavelengths. Please Help me in the stand.


Best Answer

If you have a good grasp on the relative scales of other things in physics, you may be able to relate the wavelengths to those. Otherwise, your best bet is just to memorize the wavelengths (or frequencies). Since $f = \frac{c}{\lambda}$ for light, you'll be able to figure out the frequencies if you know the wavelengths.

Here are some things I use to help me remember. These will only be useful to you if you're familiar with the other concepts. Note, although your textbook uses the term "electron waves" it is not common parlance in physics. We refer to these waves simply as another band of radio waves.

  • Radio: The largest wavelengths. Car antennas pick up radio waves, so $\lambda_{radio}$ includes $1m$ (the length of an antenna) and anything larger. Also, radio stations always give their frequencies in $MHz$, which is $10^6 Hz$.
  • Microwave: Like high-frequency radio waves. Microwave ovens must fit several wavelengths inside the body, which is tens of centimetres wide, so $\lambda_{microwave} \sim 1cm$. Microwaves can't escape the mesh on the front of a microwave oven, so also $\lambda_{microwave} > 1 mm$.
  • Infrared: No idea, between microwave and visible.
  • Visible: You have to use these numbers all the time in physics. Visible light has wavelengths between $400 nm$ and $700 nm$, or a few $10^{-7}m$.
  • UV: Between visible and X-Ray.
  • X-Ray: Can see your bones! Has an energy measured in $keV$, which via $E=hf$ gives frequencies of $10^{18}Hz$.
  • Gamma Rays: Crazy high energy! Nuclear reactions release gamma rays, as does electron pair annihilation. An electron has a rest-mass of energy of $511 keV$, so gamma rays must have the same energy, which gives you a frequency of $10^{20}Hz$, or anything higher.

To reiterate, these are just the associations I use to keep the numbers straight. They're only useful because through experience I've ended up memorizing things like electrons weighing $511 keV$. If you also know this fact, that's awesome! You can use it to remember the frequency of gamma rays. If you don't, then don't worry, to study you should just memorize the frequency of gamma rays.