[Physics] How to realize the triple point of water


Triple point of water is a single point in P-T phase diagram of water where the three phases of water coexist. For practical applications people use the triple point cells. This video explains how to realize the triple point in this cell.

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My question is:

To get to the triple point, temperature and Pressure should be set to specific values but what he shows in this video is just cooling the cell to make some ice! How is that enough to reach the triple point??

Best Answer

In a sealed constant volume container containing both liquid and gas, the pressure is maintained along the liquid/vapor line. If the pressure were higher than the liquid/vapor line the gas would condense into the liquid until the pressure reached its equilibrium point. Alternatively, if the pressure were lower than the liquid/vapor line, the liquid would boil to increase the pressure until its equilibrium point.

Thus a sealed constant volume container will be constantly be adjusting its pressure as it's heated or cooled. In this case it is cooled all the way to the triple point. At which point if it was further cooled the same effect would keep the gas and solid in equilibrium pressure.