[Physics] How to predict volume loss due to evaporation when boiling water


Suppose I have a pot with diameter $D$ containing a volume of water $V$, being heated by a flame under it. If the ambient air temperature is $T$ and relative humidity is $R$, how can I calculate the expected rate of loss due to evaporation over a period of time, $t$? Assume the period of time begins once the water begins boiling.

Edit: For simplicity's sake, also assume the flame is just hot enough to get the water boiling.

Best Answer

You need to know the rate of heat given by the flame to the water.

Suppose the flame transfers $h$ kJ/s to the water. The latent heat of evaporation of water is $2260\ \mathrm{kJ/kg}$.

For energy balance, the heat given to the water must be equal to the amount of heat required to convert water into steam.

$$ h = \dot{m} \times 2260 \\ \therefore \dot{m} = \frac{h}{2260}\ \mathrm{kg/s} $$

If you say the rate of heat transfer doesn't matter (ignore the flame and assume the water is at a certain temperature and stays at that temperature throughout the experiment),

$$ \dot{m} = \frac{\Theta A (x_\mathrm s - x)}{3600}\ \mathrm{kg/s} $$

$\Theta = (25 + 19 v)$ is the evaporation coefficient ($\mathrm{kg/(m^2\cdot h)}$). This is an empirical equation, so you can't derive it from first principles.

$v$ is the velocity of air just above the surface of the water ($\mathrm{m/s}$)

$A$ is the surface area of the water ($\mathrm{m^2}$)

$x_\mathrm s$ is the humidity ratio in saturated air at the same temperature as the water surface ($\mathrm{kg}$ $\mathrm{H_2O}$ in $\mathrm{kg}$ dry air)

$x$ is the humidity ratio in the air ($\mathrm{kg}$ $\mathrm{H_2O}$ in $\mathrm{kg}$ dry air)

It's fairly straightforward to find $x$ and $x_\mathrm s$ from the relative humidity and the Mollier chart.