[Physics] How to optically rotate images in small increments (for eyeglasses)


As the result of an accident, one or more nerves that control the rotation of my left eye were damaged. The result is that my left eye views the world rotated clockwise several degrees, compared to my normal (and dominant) right eye. I'm told that it is not possible to construct a lens that rotates images, other than a camera lens that inverts an image a fixed 180 degrees. Has anyone created a portable optical system that rotates images in small adjustable increments?

As shown in the attached image, the yellow line represents the plane of vision in my normal right eye, and the red line represents the rotated, or tilted, vision in my left eye.

As shown in the attached image, the yellow line represents the plane of vision in my normal right eye, and the red line represents the rotated, or tilted, vision in my left eye.

Best Answer

Great question! I suspect it's a research problem.

My brother-in-law, Chris Croke, and R. A. Hicks, Designing coupled free-form surfaces have shown how to do particular image transformations with mirrors, and the paper says it is also possible with lenses.

Quoting from the abstract:

Here we present a method for the coupled design of two free-form reflective surfaces which will have a prescribed distortion. ... it is motivated by viewing the problem in the language of distributions from differential geometry

Here is a pair of mirrors that rotates an image by 45 degrees:

enter image description here

And here is the result from a ray-tracer:

enter image description here

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