[Physics] How to one prove the existence of potential energy

energyenergy-conservationpotential energy

Potential energy always seemed weird to me. Like it's not a real type of energy, just something made up so that the Law of Conservation of Energy stays true. So I want to know if the existence of potential energy can be proven without the use of conservation of energy. And if that is the only way to prove it, then how can conservation of energy be proven without potential energy? Basically I'm looking for how this circular argument, which is the only I've ever gotten, is justified.

Best Answer

Let $\mathbf{F}(x,y,z)$ be a vector field: if a function $V(x,y,z)$ exists such that the above vector field can be expressed as $\mathbf{F}(x,y,z) = -\textrm{grad} V(x,y,z)$ in any point of its domain, then the function $V(x,y,z)$ is defined as the potential energy associated to the vector field $\mathbf{F}(x,y,z)$, that in turn is said to be conservative.

So I want to know if the existence of potential energy can be proven without the use of conservation of energy

As you can see from the above definition, conservation of energy is by no means invoked in the definition of potential energy.

Whenever a field is conservative in a simply connected domain, it can be shown that the work done by the field along any path does not depend on the form of the path, rather it only depends on its extrema. As a consequence, the work done by a conservative field on a closed curve vanishes.

Let us now consider a point particle subject to external forces, obeying the Newton's equations; let moreover $T(v_x,v_y,v_z) = \frac{1}{2}m |v|^2$, a function of the velocity of the particle that we refer to as kinetic energy. It can be shown that the work done by a point particle along any path can be written as the difference of the above function in the extrema of the path, namely $$ W_{\gamma}(A\to B) = T(x=B) - T(x =A). $$ However, in general, the work can be always decomposed as the sum of the work performed by the conservative forces plus the work performed by the non conservative forces: $W = W_{\textrm{cons}} + W_{\textrm{non-cons}}$; plugging the above in one obtains: $$ T(B)- T(A) = W_{\gamma}(A\to B) = W_{\textrm{cons}} + W_{\textrm{non-cons}} = V(A)-V(B) + W_{\textrm{non-cons}} $$ where we have used the fact that, if any non-conservative force exists, then it has to be generated, by definition, by its own potential energy. The above becomes: $$ W_{\textrm{non-cons}} = (T(B) + V(B)) - (T(A) + V(A)) = E(B) - E(A) $$ where we have defined the total energy of the particle in any point $(x,y,z)$ as the sum of its kinetic term plus the potential energy of the field calculated in that point. As such, one obtains that the work done by the non-conservative forces equals the difference of the total energy calculated in the extrema of the path. If no non-conservative forces come into play, then the left hand side vanishes and so does the right hand side; we therefore say that in those cases the energy is conserved, as its value in $A$ must equal its value in $B$, $A, B$ being *two any points$.

Like it's not a real type of energy

There is no such thing as "real energy". Energy is defined as a function of the coordinates $(x,y,z)$ as $T(v_x,v_y, v_z) + V(x,y,z)$ and it is, thus, simply a function and no more. It can be related, though, to the work done by the non-conservative forces, as seen above.

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