[Physics] How to make a small tokamak

electromagnetismhome-experimentmagnetic fields

$\require{mhchem}$I made a fusor once, like the easy science project: deuterium-deuterium ones, but they're really inefficient. I was wondering if it would be possible to make a small tokamak; not one that will make a ton of power, but I just want to make one for the sake of making one, like a tokamak the size of a pizza box. What materials would I need and how would I go about assembling it? Assume it is deuterium-deuterium or $\ce{p-^11B}$ fusion, maybe $\ce{^3He-^3He}$.

Best Answer

High Magnetic Fields. Not the answer you were looking for, but probably the true answer to the question "How dio you make a small(er) (working) tokamak?" It might even be the right approach in the long run. Google "ignitor fusion reactor" or "Bruno Coppi" for more information. The MIT Alcator is an example. Of course high field magnets have their own costs, problems and dangers, as do high magnetic field tokamaks. You should probably not try this on your kitchen table at home and expect a good result unless your resources are roughly equivalent to MIT, ITER or maybe even Florida State.

For a fusion related experiment (even vaguely tokamak related) that might be doable at home, look up "induction plasma technology" in Wikipedia. You might even find references under "Q-tube plasma" if you search hard enough. (Q-tubes were used in very early fusion research.) For more excitement and more danger, but a less tokamak like approach, look up "theta pinch"

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