[Physics] How to humidity change in a closed room


I know a closed (not perfectly insulated) space (like a house) can change in temperature if the outside has a different temperature (by diffusion, unless I'm much mistaken). From observation and asking around I've gathered the same sort of thing can happen with humidity, and I don't fully understand how that happens:
Is the change only in relative humidity, caused by a change in temperature?
Is there a way for the actual water in the air to travel through the walls?
Or is there necessarily an opening in the wall of the enclosed space?
(With actual houses there is almost certainly an opening at least part of the time, but I'm wondering what the central cause is.)

Best Answer

A domestic humidity meter like this one currently sitting on my desk:

Humidity meter

measures relative humidity. Relative humidity is the water concentration as a percentage of the maximum concentration. But the maximum concentration is a function of temperature, so for a given amount of water in the air the relative humidity is also a function of temperature.

In my case this means that every morning when I turn the heating on I see the relative humidity fall as the room warms up. This change is obviously just related to the temperature because it's strongly correlated with me turning the heating on.

I do see longer term changes as the weather changes, but I've never attempted to measure the rate the humidity in my room changes when the weather outside changes. To do this I'd need to two humidity meters, one inside and one outside, with some form of long term data logging. It might be fun to do one day ...

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