[Physics] How to get rotational speed after disk-disk collision with friction

angular momentumcollisionfrictionnewtonian-mechanics

Assume two circular disks A and B collide. They have both initial linear momentum and angular momentum. If their surface has no friction, their angular velocity does not change after collision, so I can easily calculate their final linear and angular momentum.

But what if their surface has some friction? In that case, their angular velocity will change after collision, and I can't guess how they will change.

If the friction coefficient $\mu$ is given, can I calculate their final linear and angular momentum?

Best Answer

Considering both the discs as the system , we can conserve angular momentum about their collinear axis of rotation .
The torque due to friction will decrease the angular velocity of the disc having more angular momentum (before the collision ) while the torque will increase angular velocity of the one which had lesser initial angular momentum .
I am assuming the most general case in which you might have got stuck up since you havent given enough information