Waves – How to Get Complex Exponential Form of Wave Equation Out of Sinusoidal Form? Solving Exercises in Waves and Linear Systems

complex numbershomework-and-exerciseslinear systemswaves

I am a novice on QM and until now i have allways been using sinusoidal form of wave equation:
$$A = A_0 \sin(kx – \omega t)$$

Well in QM everyone uses complex exponential form of wave equation:
$$A = A_0\, e^{i(kx – \omega t)}$$

QUESTION: How do i mathematically derive exponential equation out of sinusoidal one? Are there any caches? I did read Wikipedia article where there is no derivation.

Best Answer

As user1104 commented, you use Euler's identity:

$$ e^{ix} = \cos(x) + i \space \sin(x) $$


$$ \sin(kx-\omega t) = \frac{ e^{i(kx-\omega t)} - e^{-i(kx-\omega t)}}{2i} $$

But we wouldn't normally proceed by replacing sin by this expression. Both the sin form and the exponential form are mathematically valid solutions to the wave equation, so the only question is their physical validity. In QM we don't worry about having a complex solution because the observable is the squared modulus, which is always real.

For a guitar string obviously the complex form isn't physically valid, but any sum of solutions to the wave equation is also a solution to the wave equation. That's why we can add (or subtract) the complex solutions to get a real solution.

Response to comment:

$$ e^{ix} = \cos(x) + i \space \sin(x) $$

so replacing $x$ by $-x$ gives:

$$ \begin{split} e^{-ix} &= \cos(-x) + i \space \sin(-x)\\ &= \cos(x) - i \space \sin(x) \end{split} $$

because $\cos(x) = \cos(-x)$ and $\sin(x) = -\sin(-x)$. So subtracting $e^{-ix}$ from $e^{ix}$ gives:

$$ \begin{split} e^{ix} - e^{-ix} &= \cos(x) + i \space \sin(x) - \cos(x) + i \space \sin(x)\\ &= 2i \space \sin(x) \end{split} $$


$$ \frac{e^{ix} - e^{-ix}}{2i} = \sin(x) $$

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