[Physics] How to find the center of rotation? (2D)


First off, I'm assuming that a free floating polygon doesn't always rotate around its center of mass unless the net force is zero (based on the points below). If this isn't correct please tell me.

  1. A pure force through the center of gravity (with no net torque) will purely translate a rigid body (any point on the body).

  2. A pure torque any point on the body (with no net force) will purely rotate a rigid body about its center of gravity

With that out of the way, how do I find the center of rotation for a polygon with center of mass $C$, force $F$, and the point where the force is applied $A$? Also, how much of the force translates to translational force and how much of it translates to rotational force? How do the forces add up when there's more than one?

Force on a polygon

Best Answer

There is a easy semi-geometrical way of finding the center of rotation due to a force.


  1. Find the moment arm $c$ of the force through A. $$ c = r \cos \theta$$
  2. Find the radius of gyration about the center of mass C $$\rho = \sqrt{ \frac{I_C}{m} }$$
  3. Measure the distance $\ell$ away from the center of mass and mark point R $$\ell = \frac{\rho^2}{c}$$

Point R is the instance center of rotation.

See also https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/212939/392 for more details.


A plank of length $a$ and and width $b$ is struck on one end with a force $F$. Place a coordinate system at the center of mass and measure the force moment arm as $c=\frac{a}{2}$. The mass moment of inertia of a plank is $$I_C = \frac{m}{12} \left( a^2+b^2\right)$$ and hence the radius of gyration about the center is $$\rho = \sqrt{ \frac{a^2+b^2}{12} }$$


With the method above the center of rotation is at a distance $$\boxed{\ell = \frac{\rho^2}{c} = \frac{ \frac{a^2+b^2}{12} } {\frac{a}{2} } = \frac{a^2+b^2}{6 a} }$$

Lets find the same answer using the equations of motion.

  • The sum of the forces of the body are $$\sum \boldsymbol{F} = (0,F,0)$$
  • The sum of moment about the center are $$\sum \boldsymbol{M} = (0,0,\frac{a}{2} F)$$
  • The linear acceleration of the center is $$\boldsymbol{a} = \frac{\sum \boldsymbol{F}}{m} = (0,\frac{F}{m},0)$$
  • The angular acceleration of the body is $$\boldsymbol{\alpha} = \frac{\sum \boldsymbol{M}}{I_C} = (0,0,\frac{6 F a}{m (a^2+b^2)})$$
  • Find the center of rotation R such that $\boldsymbol{a}_y=\ell \boldsymbol{\alpha}_z$ $$ \boxed{\ell = \frac{ \frac{F}{m} }{ \frac{6 F a}{m (a^2+b^2)} } = \frac{a^2+b^2}{6 a}}$$

Same answer!! No need to do equations of motion to get the center of rotation. The point is purely a result of the inertial properties and geometry.