[Physics] How to figure out the momentum of a water balloon when it reaches the person I am throwing it at


Recently an experiment was performed in which myself and a partner filled a water balloon and threw it back and forth at each other without breaking it. We gradually increased the distance at which it was being thrown and at one point I ended up on the second floor of one of my high school buildings and when I threw it, my partner caught it. For the last part of my experiment I went up to the third floor of the building and threw it, my partner caught the water balloon (it burst in her hands) I am assuming that the balloon had so much force behind it that the impact caused it to burst. I know that momentum is measured using mass and velocity but I do not know how to calculate the momentum when it reaches my partner. I would say that there is no momentum because once the balloon is caught, it will not be moving. But apparently that is incorrect so I am assuming the momentum will need to be that of the split second right before it is caught. My final question: How do I calculate the momentum of the balloon when it reaches the hands of my partner?

Best Answer

Following assumptions are made to calculate velocity (at the desired time) of the balloon (and thus momentum),

  • Balloon has been considered to be a point object or particle. While studying the motion of an object; sometimes, its dimensions are of no importance. For example, if one travels from one place to another distant place by a bus, the length of the bus may be ignored as compared to the distance traveled. In other words, although the bus has a finite size, yet for the study of the motion of the bus along the road; its motion may be considered as the motion of a point or a particle.
  • In the present calculation, the motion of water balloon is considered to be along a straight line (rectilinear motion).
  • Water balloon has been assumed to be uniformly accelerated towards the center of the earth with an acceleration of $9.8 ms^{-2}$.
  • Air resistance has been ignored.

Thus, kinetic equations of motion under gravity can be obtained by replacing 'a'(acceleration) by 'g'(acceleration due to gravity) in the kinematic equations of motion known. Accordingly, one of the kinematic equation of motion under gravity can be given as:

$V_f$ is velocity at time $t_f$.

$V_i$ is velocity at time $t_i$.

$g$ is acceleration due to gravity.

Initially at time $t_i$=0, $V_i$ will also be equal to 0. Thus, above equation reduces to the below form:
By knowing the time($t_f$) at which the water balloon is about to reach the hands of partner (stop watch can be used to know the time practically), velocity at that time ($t_f$) can be known.
Thus, momentum ($P$) of the water balloon of mass ($M$) at the time $t_f$ can be given as $P(t_f)=MV_f$. By substituting all the values, the momentum of the water balloon at time $t_f$ can be obtained.

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