[Physics] How to determine whether an eigenstate of total spin is symmetric or antisymmetric

angular momentumhomework-and-exercisesidentical-particlesquantum mechanicsquantum-spin

Here we have two identical paticles with spin $I$, integer or half-integer,
and there are $(2I+1)^2$ states.

Each one of them can be uniquely determined by total spin and its orientation, we can use $|J,m\rangle$ to represent this state. And because of its uniqueness, it is either symmetric or antisymmetric.

How to determine whether $|J,m\rangle$ is symmetric or antisymmetric based on $I$, $J$ and $m$?

Best Answer

Let's denote the spins of the individual particles by $j_1 = j_2 = I$, the quantum numbers for the $z$-components of their angular momentum by $m_1$ and $m_2$, the spin of their combined state by $J$, and the $z$-component of the angular momentum of the combined state by $M$. We have two bases for the states of these particles: the "individual particle" basis, denoted by $$ |I \, m_1 \, I \, m_2 \rangle $$ and the "combined particle" basis, denoted by $$ |J \, M \rangle. $$ (Note that $j_1$ and $j_2$ are also still "good" quantum numbers for this latter state; but including them in both notations is redundant and can confuse things, so I'll omit them.) Finally, let's denote by $\hat{E}$ the exchange operator between particles 1 & 2, i.e., we define $\hat{E}$ such that $$ \hat{E} |I \, m_1 \, I \, m_2 \rangle = |I \, m_2 \, I \, m_1 \rangle. $$

We can perform a basis transformation to express any state $|J \, M \rangle$ in terms of the basis $|I \, m_1 \, I \, m_2 \rangle$: $$ |J \, M \rangle = \sum_{j_1, m_1, j_2, m_2} |I \, m_1 \, I \, m_2 \rangle \langle I \,m_1 \,I \, m_2 | J \, M \rangle $$ The coefficients $\langle I \,m_1 \,I \, m_2 | J \, M \rangle$ are known as the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. We want to know what happens when we apply the exchange operator $\hat{E}$ to this state: $$ \hat{E} |J \, M \rangle = \sum_{j_1, m_1, j_2, m_2} |I \, m_2 \, I \, m_1 \rangle \langle I \,m_1 \,I \, m_2 | J \, M \rangle = \sum_{j_1, m_1, j_2, m_2} |I \, m_1 \, I \, m_2 \rangle \langle I \,m_2 \,I \, m_1 | J \, M \rangle $$ (The second step is just a relabelling of dummy indices $m_1$ and $m_2$ in the sum.) We can see that $|J \, M \rangle$ will be an eigenstate of $\hat{E}$ if and only if all of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients $\langle I \,m_1 \,I \, m_2 |J \, M \rangle$ are multiplied by the same factor when we exchange $m_1 \leftrightarrow m_2$. Thankfully, the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients satisfy the identity $$ \langle j_1 \,m_1 \, j_2 \, m_2 | J \, M \rangle = (-1)^{j_1 + j_2 - J} \langle j_2 \,m_2 \, j_1 \, m_1 | J \, M \rangle $$ and so we have \begin{multline} \hat{E} |J \, M \rangle = \sum_{j_1, m_1, j_2, m_2} |I \, m_1 \, I \, m_2 \rangle \left[ (-1)^{2I - J} \langle I \,m_1 \,I \, m_2 | J \, M \rangle \right] \\ = (-1)^{2I - J} \sum_{j_1, m_1, j_2, m_2} |I \, m_1 \, I \, m_2 \rangle \langle I \,m_1 \,I \, m_2 | J \, M \rangle = (-1)^{2I - J} |J \, M \rangle. \end{multline} Thus, the combined states are symmetric when $2I$ and $J$ are both even or both odd, and antisymmetric when one quantity is even and the other is odd.