[Physics] How to check if a laser’s light is circularly polarized


I have $532\,\mathrm{nm}$-laser passing through a quarter-wave plate polarizer.

How could I check whether the light out from the quarter-wave plate is circularly polarized?

Best Answer

The quarter wave plate doesn't destroy the polarization - it just changes its character. Circularly polarized light has an electrical vector that rotates without changing its magnitude; if you pass the light through a linear polarizing filter, and rotate the filter, the intensity of the observed light should not change.

Contrast this with the original light from the laser pointer: if you do the same experiment, you will see the intensity after the linear polarizer go from "almost zero", to "almost fully transmitted".

In the intermediate stage of elliptical polarization, you would see the intensity change without ever fully being extinguished. This happens when the initial light is not polarized at exactly 45° to the fast/slow axis of the quarter wave plate.