[Physics] How to calculate Shear Rate magnitude for Compressible Flow

fluid dynamics

I'd like to calculate the shear rate formula for CFD (Non-newtonian Fluid) and want to know if the following formula is the good one:

Viscious Stress General Equation (Tensor):
Viscious Stress General Equation (Tensor)

So the magnitude of the shear rate is:
So the magnitude of the shear rate is:

Is this shear rate magnitude formula correct?


Best Answer

I didn't catch this the first time I read this thread, but your equation for the rate of deformation tensor D is incorrect; it should not have the dilatation terms along the diagonal. The definition of the rate of deformation tensor is "the symmetric part of the velocity gradient tensor":

$$\mathbf{D}=\frac{(\nabla \mathbf{v})+(\nabla \mathbf{v})^T}{2}$$

Reiner and Rivlin derived a general constitutive equation for a non-viscoelastic non-linear fluid by expressing the stress tensor $\boldsymbol{\tau}$ as a Taylor series in D, and applying the Cauley Hamilton theorem to obtain: $$\boldsymbol{\tau}=a+b\mathbf{D}+c\mathbf{D^2}$$where the scalar material parameters a, b, and c are functions of the three invariants of D. The linearized version of this is a Newtonian fluid, with "a" being a function only of the dilatation (first invariant), b being a constant, and c being zero.