[Physics] How to calculate projectile position at a time along ballistic path

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Using this equation I can get the desired launch angle of a projectile, where $\theta$ = the angle, $g$ = gravity, $x = x$ coordinate of impact point, and $y = y$ coordinate of impact point.

$\theta =\arctan {\left({\frac {v^{2}\pm {\sqrt {v^{4}-g(gx^{2}+2yv^{2})}}}{gx}}\right)}$

Assuming a time scale(t) of $0.0 – 1.0, 0.0$ being the launch of the projectile and $1.0$ being the impact, how could I get the coordinate pair in 2D space for the position of the projectile at any given t between $0.0$ and $1.0$? Not a mathematician or a physicist, but do have a basic understanding of algebra and trig.

Best Answer

Firstly, construct a reference frame and $y$ is upward. Secondly, list motion equation. $$m\ddot{x}=0$$ $$m\ddot{y}=-mg$$ Thirdly, solve motion equation. $$x(t)=v_0^xt+x_0$$ $$y(t)=-\frac{1}{2}gt^2+v_0^yt+y_0$$ in which $v_0^x,x_0,v_0^y,y_0$ are initial conditions at time $t=0$.