[Physics] How to calculate explicit form of stress energy tensor in any situation


I know that the components of stress energy tensor are: energy density, energy flux, momentum density and momentum flux.

But can I explicitly calculate the form of stress energy tensor in any complicated situation?

Or explicit form is known only for few systems? How do I do it?

Best Answer

First, I suppose here that we are not considering here gravitational fields. (the explanation will be given below). So, we are considering matter fields, radiation fields, etc..

You have first to write a Lagrangian density $\mathcal L_{NG}$ for your problem (here NG stands for non-gravitational). For instance, the electromagnetic field has the Lagrangian density $\mathcal L_{NG} = -\frac{1}{4}g^{\mu\rho} g^{\nu\lambda} F_{\mu\nu} F_{\rho\lambda}$

Then, you may obtain the Hilbert stress-energy tensor :

$$(T_{\mu\nu})_{NG} = \dfrac{-2}{\sqrt{-g}} \dfrac{\partial (\sqrt{-g}\mathcal L_{NG}) }{\partial g^{\mu\nu}} \tag{1}$$

The formula $(1)$ may be justifyed by considering, that, ultimately, the stress-energy tensor for non-gravitational fields, $(T_{\mu\nu})_{NG}$, is the source of gravitation ($g_{\mu\nu}$), so, even, if, in a problem, you are not considering gravitational couplings, you may write a Lagrangian density with an explicit metrics $g^{\mu\nu}$ , and then calculate the Hilbert stress energy-tensor. One avantage is that this stress-energy tensor is automatically symmetric.

Note that, then, the formula $(1)$ does not appy to the lagrangian density of the gravitational fields itself

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