[Physics] How to calculate critical temperature of the Ising model

ising-modelphase-transitionresource-recommendationsstatistical mechanicstemperature

Can someone name a paper or book which calculates the critical temperature of the Ising model from scratch? It might be a book and should contain the necessary prerequisites. I have had a basic course in stat physics and thermodynamics.

The two suggested books have 500 pages of preface, is this necessary or is there a more compact source available?

Best Answer

A definitive volume, one that I learned from during graduate school, is Kerson Huang's (of MIT, emeritus of the Physics Dept.) Statistical Mechanics. The book covers both classical and quantum computations of the partition function and observables from it, as well as thermodynamics, kinetic theory, transport, superfluids, critical phenomena, and the Ising model. Chapters 14 and 15 are devoted to the Ising model.