[Physics] How to calculate acceleration from discrete samples of velocity


I have a device that I made which is able to calculate distance moved and can determine time.

I take samples of time every x distance. Giving me n velocity samples.

I currently show the user 2 values : max velocity and avg velocity.

What I need help with can be broken down into 2 questions:

  1. How can I calculate acceleration from this data?
  2. What would be the most useful value to show? Avg acceleration? Peak?

So you have context to answer this question, the device measures the speed at which athletes are lifting a barbell.

Best Answer

A fairly simple way of treating the data is to present them as a histogram:

Speed histogram.

Each data point (here 5 data points) is the quotient of the distance moved in that interval, say $\Delta y$, by the time interval $\Delta t$ and is the average velocity during that time interval: $$v_i=\frac{\Delta y_i}{\Delta t_i}$$

Where $i$ indicates interval number $i$.

For simplicity's sake, I'll assume all $\Delta t_i$ to be of the same value (but that's not strictly speaking necessary).

That would allow also to calculate the average acceleration $a$ at the end of each time interval, here represented by the green line, because:

$$a_i=\frac{v_i-v_{i-1}}{\Delta t_i}$$

That would give a rough idea of how $a$ evolves over time, as well as peak $a$ values.

If the time intervalls $\Delta t_i$ are sufficiently small, then the obtained values for $v$ and $a$ will tend to the true values (as opposed to averages).