[Physics] How to accurately state the uncertainty principle

heisenberg-uncertainty-principlequantum mechanics

In almost every introductory course, it is taught that the uncertainty principle happens due to disturbance in the system to be measured. Teachers give these examples that induce students to misunderstand the phenomenon.

This has probably been going on for a long time. Heisenberg used to illustrate his uncertainty principle by giving the example of "taking a photograph of the electron".

To take the picture, a scientist might bounce a light particle off the electron's surface. That would reveal its position, but it would also impart energy to the electron, causing it to move. Learning about the electron's position would create uncertainty in its velocity; and the act of measurement would produce the uncertainty needed to satisfy the principle.

However, the uncertainty is not in the eye of the beholder (see here).

Many students, like me, continue their studies of quantum mechanics while ignoring the conceptual subtleties of the uncertainty principle, and this generates a snowball effect. These students do not have solid knowledge of the subject, which is already intrinsically not very intuitive. Later, they learn that there is an uncertainty relation whenever two operators are non-commuting. However, this is a rather abstract definition.

I'd like to know if there is a simple conceptual explanation that uses key concepts such as "observation", "measurement", "decoherence" accurately. For example, if I were a teacher, how could I state Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in a less mathematical, but conceptually rigorous way?

Best Answer

As pointed out in a comment by mmesser314, there is a video by the mathematician Grant Sanderson.

The more general uncertainty principle, beyond quantum

Grant Sanderson puts the HUP in the context of properties of wave propagation.

In the case of a continuous, consistent oscillation the corresponding propagating wave has a specific frequency, but that propagating wave doesn't have a location; it's continuous.

It is possible to produce a burst of oscillation in such a way that it gives rise to a propagating "blip". A fourier analysis of the waveform of that blip describes it as a superposition of a range of frequencies. In the case of that blip: the location of it can be tracked through time with specifity. But the blip does not have a particular frequency; the blip is spread out in frequency space.

Grant Sanderson describes that with wave propagation in general (not just in the context of quantum mechanics) there is an inherent trade-off. You can push for a very specific frequency, but at the cost of specifity of position-as-a-function-of-time. You can push for high specifity of position-as-a-function-of-time, but at the cost of introducing spread of spectrum.

In any device that produces propagating waves the design can be made so that the emitted wave is wherever you want in that trade-off.

Fourier analysis facilitates expressing the trade-off in mathematical form.

Stating it explicitly:
The view in terms of wave propagation in general does not need to invoke concepts such as "observation", "measurement", "decoherence".

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