General Relativity – Measuring the Strength of Gravitational Waves Detected by LIGO at the Source


Congrats to the LIGO team on the announcement of their discovery of gravitational waves!

The articles I've read say that the distortion we see here is much smaller than a proton. What about at the source? Would these waves have been strong enough to see macroscopic effects near the binary black holes themselves? Could you orbit the system at a "safe" distance, observe the merger, and "feel" the waves?

Best Answer

The strain (ratio of displacement from equilibrium to equilibrium separation) of gravitational waves decreases as $1/r$ for a distance $r$ from the source. Since the strain in this case peaked at $10^{-21}$ at a distance of $1.3\times10^9\ \mathrm{ly} = 1.3\times10^{25}\ \mathrm{m}$, you would expect strains on the order of $1\%$ at a distance of $1300\ \mathrm{km}$. For reference, the observed signal is from black holes that were about $100\ \mathrm{km}$ in radius initially.

Much closer than this, and the linearized theory of GR breaks down. Gravitational waves are only well-defined in the small-amplitude limit. Close-in, we have the near-field regime where nonlinear effects that can't really be described as simple waves dominate. The only simple statement that really can be made here is that distortions are even stronger closer in.