Black Holes – How Much Mass Can Colliding Black Holes Lose as Gravitational Waves?


Concerning the recent detection of gravitational waves produced by colliding black holes, it has been reported that a significant percentage of the combined mass was lost in the resulting production of the gravitational waves.

So evidently in addition to Hawking radiation, black holes can also lose mass in collisions with other black holes.

Is there a theoretical limit to how much mass, as a percentage, two black holes can lose in a collision as gravitational waves? Could so much mass be lost that the resulting object would no longer have enough gravity to be a black hole?

Best Answer

Suppose you have two black holes of the same mass $M$ and $m = GM/c^2$. The radius of each black hole is then $r = 2m$, and the horizon area is $A = 4\pi r^2$ $ = 16\pi m^2$. Two constraints are imposed. The first is that the type-D solutions have timelike Killing vectors, which are isometries that conserve mass-energy, and with the merger the gravitational radiation is in an asymptotically flat region where we can again localize mass-energy. So the initial mass $2M$ is the total energy. The entropy of the two black holes is a measure of the information they contain and that too is constant. So the horizon area of the resulting black hole is the sum of the two horizon areas, $A_f = 2A$ $ = 32\pi m^2$, that has $\sqrt{2}M$ the mass of the two initial black holes. Now with mass-energy conservation $$ E_t = 2M = \sqrt{2}M + E_{g-wave} $$ and the mass-energy of the gravitational radiation is $.59M$. That is a lot of mass-energy!

This is the upper bound for the generation of gravitational radiation from mass. The assumption here is that the total entropy of the two black holes equals the entropy of the final black hole. Physically this happens if all the curvature exterior to the merging black holes does not result in mass-energy falling into the final black hole. There would be back scatter of gravitational radiation, much as one has to be concerned about the near field EM wave near an antenna that can couple back on it. The final entropy of the merged black hole will in fact be larger, but of course not larger than the mass-squared determined area of the two black holes. This means $1.41m~\le~m_{tot}~\le~2m$.

To estimate this requires numerical methods. Larry Smarr pioneered a lot of this. So far estimates run around $5\%$ of the total mass of the black holes is converted to gravity waves. in this LIGO paper two black holes of mass $39M_{sol}$ and $32M_{sol}$ is computed to have coalesced into a final black hole of $68M_{sol}$, which radiated $3M_{sol}$ is gravitational radiation and accounts for $4.2\%$ of the initial mass. This is about in line with most numerical studies. Consequently a lot of the spacetime curvature generated by these mergers falls back into the final black hole. In terms of area the initial horizon area is $4066M^2_{sol}$ and the final horizon area is $4624M^2_{sol}$, which is an additional area $558M^2_{sol}$ of horizon area with $S~=~k A/4L_p^2$ as the entropy.