[Physics] How much heat is required to evaporate water


I was wondering how to calculate the mass of water that evaporates if I were to expose the water to some amount of heat given by Q. $Q=ml$ ($l=2.26\times10^3kJkg^-1$) is the standard way to calculate the amount of water that vaporizes. However this method only applies to boiling water at $100^\circ C$, so are there alternatives to calculating this at lower temperatures where evaporation occurs?

I am aware that are similar posts about this topic, but there were no satisfactory answers in them.

Thank you!

Best Answer

Yes. Get yourself a set of steam tables (which you can get by Googling "water steam tables." The steam tables give the heat of vaporization at all temperatures from 0 C to the critical temperature.

Incidentally, it looks to me like the value you gave for the heat of vaporization is high by a factor of 1000.