[Physics] How matter waves travel faster than light

faster-than-lightquantum mechanicstextbook-erratumwaves

I read this in my physics textbook. It says that matter waves travel faster than light. Why is it so?

Also are matter waves G-Waves?

textbook reference

Best Answer

I read this thing in my physics textbook.They said matter waves travel faster than light, why is it so?

Matter waves is a confusing terminology coming from the de Broglie quantum mechanical description of particles, which is what matter is at the quantum mechanical level.

de broglie

Here lamda is the wavelength of the probability distribution that gives the probable location of the particle in space , when it is measured. It is not the particle that is waving, i.e. changing sinusoidaly in space and time, but the probability of finding it at that (x,y,z,t).

Special relativity imposes the limit of the velocity of light on any motion of particles, in all frameworks, classical and quantum mechanical.

Thus there is no way the statement as you have written is correct, unless there is some reference to the phase velocity which can be different for light (classical framework) in a medium. For a particle it would again refer to the probability distribution and will be a non measurable quantity, just a mathematical description.

Also matter waves Are G-Waves?

No , they are probability waves of particles in the quantum mechanical framework, the underlying framework of nature. G waves are gravitational waves. There also exist gravity waves, but that is another story.

Just saw your edit. The statement "matter waves travel faster than light" as written in the book is wrong. Period.