[Physics] How many physical degrees of freedom does the $\mathrm{SU(N)}$ Yang-Mills theory have

degrees of freedomgauge-theoryyang-mills

The $\mathrm{U(1)}$ QED case has two physical degrees of freedom, which is easy to understand because the free electromagnetic field must be transverse to the direction of propagation. But what are the physical degrees of freedom the $\mathrm{SU(N)}$ Yang-Mills theory?

I believe that the $\mathrm{SU(N)}$ Y.M. theory has four degrees of freedom, and it is easy to see that by gauge fixing (such as the Lorentz condition or the Coulomb condition) that we can always remove one redundant degree of freedom. But then we still haven't completely fixed the redundant degrees of freedom. Thus my question is:

How many physical degrees and how many are redundant degrees of freedom does the Y.M. theory have?

I would be interested to understand how we can determine this mathematically, and also to understand what the physical intuition behind this is?

Best Answer

$SU(N)$ has $N^2 -1$ gluons, one corresponding to each generator (this is called the adjoint representation). That "quantum number" (which could be called an index for the adjoint rep) could be tensored together with the Lorentz representation for a massless vector particle, which should have 2 polarizations (just like QED). So the theory will have $2(N^2 -1)$ physical degrees of freedom.

I don't understand why you say that the gauge bosons should be massive -- if they were, then the gauge symmetry would be "broken".