Planets – How Long Will It Take for Earth to Fall into the Sun?


As a planet moves through the solar system, a bow shock is formed as the solar wind is decelerated by the magnetic field of the planet. Presumably the creation of this shock wave would cause drag on the planet, certainly in the direction of orbit but possibly rotation as well.

Is there an estimate for the amount of drag on the Earth as it orbits the Sun? Based on the drag, how long would it take before the orbital velocity slows to the point that we spiral slowly into the Sun? Would any planets fall into the Sun prior to the Sun expanding into a Red Giant, gobbling them up?

Best Answer

This is a really rough calculation that doesn't take into account the realistic direction of the bow shock, or calculation of the drag force. I just take the net momentum flow in the solar wind and direct it so as to produce the maximum decceleration and see what happens.

Apparently the solar wind pressure is of the order of a nanoPascal. As I write this it's about $0.5\ \mathrm{nPa}$. You can get real time data from NASA's ACE satellite or (click through "More data" under "Solar wind"). During periods of intense solar activity it can get up to an order or magnitude or so more than this. Let's take this worst case and assume, unrealistically, that all of the pressure is directed retrograde along the Earth's orbit. This will give the maximum deccelerating effect. I get a net force of $\sim 10^6\ \mathrm{N}$. Dividing by the Earth's mass gives a net acceleration $2\times 10^{-19}\ \mathrm{m/s^2}$. Let's fudge up again and call it $10^{-18}\ \mathrm{m/s^2}$. The time it would take for this to make a significant dint the the Earth's orbital velocity ($30\ \mathrm{km/s}$) is of the order of $10^{15}\ \mathrm{yr}$. I think we're safe.

For the other planets there is a $1/r^2$ scaling of the solar wind with the distance from the sun (assuming the solar wind is uniformly distributed) and an $R^2$ scaling with the size of the planet. So for Mercury the former effect gives an order of magnitude increase in drag and the latter effect takes most of that increase away again. There is an additional $R^{-3}$ increase in effect due to the decreased mass of a smaller body (assuming density is similar to the Earth). Then there is the $r^{-1/2}$ increase in orbit velocity due to being closer to the sun. So the total scaling factor for the time is $ R r^{3/2} $, which for Mercury is about 0.1. So the end result is not much different for Mercury.

This site always causes me to learn new Mathematica features. It made really quick work of this since it has all sorts of astronomical data built in:

enter image description here

Note that the number of digits displayed in the final column is ludicrous. :)

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