Classical Mechanics – How Long Does a Frictionless Top Take to Fall Over?

angular momentumclassical-mechanicsrotational-dynamics

We've previously discussed why it is that spinning tops do not fall over, see: Why don't spinning tops fall over?

However, as the highest rated answer notes, the angular momentum of the spinning top is "quite high". On the other hand, I know that if the angular momentum of the top is zero it will, in fact, fall over. This suggests that increasing the angular momentum cannot stop the top from falling over, but instead can only increase the time (but this turns out not to be the case).

So suppose a top with mass concentrated in a spherical body M of radius S with center situated a distance R to a point a horizontal table at an angle $\theta$ while rotating at angular speed $\omega$. How long does it take for the top to fall over?

Some simplifying assumptions: (1) Assume the point of the top is fixed on the table. (2) Assume that the time at which the top falls over is when $\theta = 0$.


Best Answer

Given a nonzero moment of inertia $I$, the transverse extension of the top from the rod has to be at least $\sqrt{I/M}$ because we can't have negative mass distributions. Because of this finite transverse extension, a spin-orbit cross coupling between the orbital angular momentum $L$ and the spin $S$ will have to exist. But this by itself isn't sufficient to transfer spin into orbital angular momentum.

The crucial question to ask is, is the distribution of mass of the rod rotationally symmetric about the rod axis? If yes, the kinetic and gravitational potential energy doesn't depend upon the orientation angle $\alpha$ of the top about the rod axis. However, if there are slight rotational asymmetries, we will have an $\alpha$ dependence leading to wobbles. These wobbles transfer spin into orbital angular momentum, and if sufficient angular momentum is transfered, the top will topple.

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