[Physics] How long does it take a warm object to cool in air


This is a work-related question. A warm steel torus of a given diameter & thickness is left in a room held at a controlled temperature, how long does it take to reach equilibrium? Assume the air is circulating so that the torus doesn't create a warm spot. Of course it never quite gets there but this is a practical problem so almost is fine.

For example, the torus is 250mm diameter and 50mm thick (so that it has a 150mm hole). When taken from processing it is 22°C and the room is 20°C, how long to reach 20.01°C? It is resting on a measuring instrument supported by 2 steel dowels so assume it is just in mid-air.

(Such small differences in temperature are important here because we are taking very close measurements. For something this size each 1°C changes the diameter of the hole about 0.0007 mm which to us is a big deal.

Best Answer

I don't think there is a simple way to calculate this from scratch.

The dominant cooling mechanism for your torus will be convective cooling by air currents. This is a complex process, but in most cases it can be approximated by Newton's law of cooling i.e. the rate of change of temperature is proportional to the difference in temperature between the object and it's surroundings. This gives you an exponential decay of temperature:

$$ T - T_{room} = (T_{initial} - T_{room}) \space e^{-t/\tau} $$

The problem is determining the constant $\tau$, which is sort of a cooling half life. There isn't a simple way to calculate it precisely, and in any case at very small temperature differences the exponential dependance probably breaks down.

Really, the only reliable way forward is to measure the temperature vs time curve for your system and use that to establish how long the cooling takes.


It's just occurred to me that maybe you have toruses (tori?) of different sizes and you want an equation to calculate the cooling time from the torus size. You probably could do something along these lines by making experimental measurements for a few sample objects to establish the required constants of proportionality, and using dimensional analysis or some other method to find n quation linking cooling to torus size.