[Physics] How is the uncertainty principle protected for a single electron diffraction

diffractionelectronsheisenberg-uncertainty-principlequantum mechanics

In the experiment where electrons are sent one by one through a slit on a screen behind which there is an electron detector, the electron is said to have a definite position at the time it crosses the slit (which can be made very narrow to make $\Delta x$ as small as we like) so it must have a large uncertainty in momentum which is why the electron must diffract. Now is it not possible to measure the time taken by the electron to reach the detector wall and thus compute its momentum? How does the diffraction process make determining its momentum harder? If I know the position of the point which lights up in the detector wall and the time taken by the electron to reach there from the slit I can easily calculate $p_x, p_y$. Does this not violate the uncertainty relation if my slit is arbitrarily small.?

Best Answer

The problem discussed here is about the duality of wave/particle. The physics of an electron is quantum mechanics, and the duality wave-particle is crucial. In fact, an electron is neither a particle(sphere) neither a wave. In the double slit experiment, the electron can be considered as a particle when the detector perturb the system, or like a wave without the detector perturbing the system.

If the electron is behaving like a particle, it will NOT have an interference pattern, and passing like a sphere through only one in the holes. But when the electron is not perturbed with a measurement, it will behave like a wave PASSING through all holes. More here(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment)

An interesting question is the scale of the measurement(perturbation). We expect that an infinitesimal perturbation to change a little bit the behavior of the system, and a smaller perturbation to change drastically the behavior of the system destroying the wave behavior. But in fact even a smaller perturbation destroy the wave nature of the particle.

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