[Physics] How is the path integral for light explained, or how does it arise


In a Phys.SE question titled How are classical optics phenomena explained in QED (Snell's law)? Marek talked about the probability amplitude for photons of a given path. He said that it was $\exp(iKL)$, and that "…this is very simplified picture but I don't want to get too technical so…"

I want to know how it arises, even if it is technical. I find it very strange. If we compare it to the case of a particle obeying the Schrodinger equation, we have $\exp(iS/h)$ where $S$ is the action of a given path. $S$ is what we want to minimize(in the classical limit). In this case the path is a space-time path.

But in the other case, of the photon, where $L$ is that we have to minimize(in the classical limit or if you want in the geometrical optics limit) the paths are only in space, and I can't find any temporal dependence.

when I check any book about QED, I can read about the photon propagator (about space-time paths) but I never have found out about the expression $\exp(iKL)$.

In general terms I find hard to relate what Feynman teaches in his book with what I have read in the "formal QED books" like Sokolov, Landau, Feynman or Greiner.

Best Answer

Ordinary massive particles have the action equal to $$ S = -m_0\int d\tau_{\rm proper} $$ which is negative and equal to the proper time along the world line multiplied by the rest mass. However, photons classically move along time-like geodesics and all of them have a vanishing proper duration. So one couldn't say which of these "zigzag" timelike trajectories is the right one.

Snell's law needs another step to be derived. We need to assume a constant frequency of the photon. Because the frequency is specified, the velocity of the wave packet is determined by the local wave number. This reduces the selection to trajectories in space - Snell's law only addresses light's journey through static environments - because the direction of the trajectory in time is determined at each point by the known frequency. Also, the phase contributed to the path integral is simply the phase of the light $$\exp(iKL), \quad K = 2\pi / \lambda$$ where $\lambda$ is the wavelength of the light in a given environment. If there are many environments along the path, $KL$ should be replaced by $\sum_i K_i L_i$. However, the thing we're minimizing isn't really the action, at least I don't see how to derive Snell's law directly from the principle of least action and the concepts of particles. However, if you study the action for the electromagnetic field, $$ S = -\frac{1}{4} \int d^4x F^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu} $$ then I believe that if you make the Ansatz that $F$ describes a constant-frequency electromagnetic wave of a unit intensity, the action $F^2$ could be perhaps reduced to $\sum_i K_i L_i$ simply because the same Snell's law follows from the principle of least action in electromagnetism. However, this derivation wouldn't be "straightforward". For example, the description via Snell's law knows nothing about the two transverse polarizations included in Maxwell's theory.

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