[Physics] How is Newton’s first law compatible with transport equations


So, I'm studying non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the first thing I've learned is that the discipline has a first scope of generalizing the idea of transport equations.

Transport equations are generally of the form:

Where $J$ is the flux of something traveling across an area, $X$ is some quantity defined in each part of the physical system (viscosity, mass, temperature etc…) and $A$ is a proportionality constant. $\frac{dX}{dx}$ can be viewed as a gradient of that quantity $X$, and thus as a kind of force.

There are several transport equations related to different phenomena. For example, Fourier's law is a transport equation that relates the gradient in temperature with a heat flux, the gradient in temperature being a driving force of that energy flux between different parts of the system.

Table of different types of transport equations

So, the conclusion here (at least what my teacher says) is that there can't be a flux of any quantity without a gradient of some kind (a driving force) and vice versa.

But this, even if it sounds reasonable, contradicts some ideas I had about Newton's first law of motion: if I have a solid rod moving across space in uniform linear motion then I can conclude that there is no force pushing it. The rod moves only because it has inertia and thus it will keep moving if no force is added to the mix. And if I imagine calculating the flux of mass inside a circular area as the rod traverses it then I can see there's some kind of constant flux of matter as the rod passes through it. So it seems that we have a situation where there's a flux but there is no driving force, only inertia. So it stops to be true that fluxes and currents arise from the unevenness of some quantity through space.

My question is where I've been misleading? Is it the fact that the rod I'm describing is not a thermodynamic system subject to an immense number of interactions, but can be viewed as a microscopic system (made of just one element) and thus transport equations are not relevant here? Is it that the flux of mass is not related to that particular force but to another generalized force I'm not talking about? Is it that the driving force as a generalized concept should not be confused with the actual mechanical force here for some reason? What am I missing exactly?

Best Answer

In order to have a (constant, non-zero) flux you need either no force at all or else a balance of forces. The situations ordinarily under discussion here are where there is either friction or a friction-like force, which acts to oppose motion (and thus flux). In this case you would need some other force, such as the result of a gradient, in order to overcome the friction. The coefficients are often named with names such as 'conductivity', which is a good name but the name might make the unwary forget the fact that it is a friction-like effect.

The generalized friction or resistivity is inversely proportional to the generalized conductivity. So if there is no friction, as in the case of the idealized situation discussed in Newton's first law, then the 'conductivity' is infinite.

In classical physics I think it would be correct to say that one 'always' needs some sort of gradient to have a flux, if one is saying that the idealization of no friction at all is just that: an idealization. For example, Newton's idea of a body moving in empty space is an idealization in the sense that space is never entirely empty (no vacuum pump will give a perfect vacuum). But in phenomena such as superconductivity and superfluidity you can have a persistent current which is never damped. And currents of this kind can also be found inside the electron structure of every atom.

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