[Physics] How is kinetic energy transferred between two colliding magnets


It is my understanding that when two magnets collide without physically touching, kinetic energy is conserved and the "collision" is elastic. My question is, what mechanisms allow for this exchange in kinetic energy?

Best Answer

The electromagnetic field itself carries energy. Conservation of energy demands that the total energy of the system, which is the sum of the kinetic energies of the magnets and the energy stored in the EM field, remains constant. This is true for any conservative field theory.

As another example, imagine a system of massive particles initially at rest. The particles begin to gravitate toward one another. So a system which initially had no kinetic energy whatsoever suddenly acquires kinetic energy as the particles begin to move. Where did this kinetic energy come from? The gravitational field. The total energy of the system, however, remains constant.

And to answer your question: how is this energy transfered? By interacting with the field. The field influences the particles and the particles influence the field.